

作者:Cecilia Pastorino  發文時間:2018年2月9日上午11:04時






終於,對於經常遠程工作、在咖啡屋、酒店或機場使用公共WIFI網絡的人士而言,WPA3成為解決隱私泄露問題的有力方案。原因在於,應用一對一數據加密機制後,即每臺設備和路由器之間的每個數據通道都采用唯一密鑰進行加密 – 能夠進一步降低中途攔截式攻擊風險。




關於Version 2 Limited
Version 2 Limited是亞洲最有活力的IT公司之一,公司發展及代理各種不同的互聯網、資訊科技、多媒體產品,其中包括通訊系統、安全、網絡、多媒體及消費市場產品。透過公司龐大的網絡、銷售點、分銷商及合作夥伴,Version 2 Limited 提供廣被市場讚賞的產品及服務。Version 2 Limited 的銷售網絡包括中國大陸、香港、澳門、臺灣、新加坡等地區,客戶來自各行各業,包括全球1000大跨國企業、上市公司、公用機構、政府部門、無數成功的中小企及來自亞洲各城市的消費市場客戶。

ESET成立於1992年,是一家面向企業與個人用戶的全球性的電腦安全軟件提供商,其獲獎產品 — NOD32防病毒軟件系統,能夠針對各種已知或未知病毒、間諜軟件 (spyware)、rootkits和其他惡意軟件為電腦系統提供實時保護。ESET NOD32佔用 系統資源最少,偵測速度最快,可以提供最有效的保護,並且比其他任何防病毒產品獲得了更多的Virus Bulletin 100獎項。ESET連續五年被評為“德勤高科技快速成長500 強”(Deloitte’s Technology Fast 500)公司,擁有廣泛的合作夥伴網絡,包括佳能、戴爾、微軟等國際知名公司,在布拉迪斯拉發(斯洛伐克)、布裏斯托爾(英國 )、布宜諾斯艾利斯(阿根廷)、布拉格(捷克)、聖地亞哥(美國)等地均設有辦事處,代理機構覆蓋全球超過100個國家。 

【ESET網路安全套裝】獲AV-Comparatives兩項金獎 & 【ESET企業端點網路安全(for macOS)】得到AV-TEST肯定

ESET 網路安全套裝在 2017 年度AV-Comparatives 獎項中名列前茅
每年 AV-Comparatives 都會按照五個主要測試項目(真實環境保護測試、整體效能測試、惡意軟體防護測試、誤報測試和惡意軟體清除測試),評估資安產品並授與金、銀、銅獎項。2017年度共有21個品牌參與,其中不乏知名品牌,測試人員對【ESET網路安全套裝】的表現充分肯定,共獲得了「整體效能」和「誤報測試」的兩項金獎。
在 AV 測試方面,測量其「可靠性」與「檢測力」同樣重要。因為只要一個誤報(判),可能需要工程和支援團隊的大量資源來解決問題。更重要的是,它甚至會導致重要的數據丟失或系統無法使用。所以要做到每一次都準確無誤,是極為重要的,在全年度進行大量的誤報率測試後,AV-Comparatives 確認 【ESET網路安全套裝】在2017 年的所有測試中皆沒有誤失,而這也是唯一做到百分百準確的防毒品牌。
另外【ESET網路安全套裝】因為它在執行任務時對系統性能的影響很小,故得到最佳效能的殊榮。 AV-Comparatives 表示,他們發現軟體「非常易於使用,這都由於ESET擁有完美的使用者界面和自我設置的防火牆」。
AV Comparatives 2017 報告
【ESET企業端點網路安全(for macOS)】– 獲AV-TEST”無可挑剔的保護”之評價
雖然很多人可能不願相信,但 Mac 用戶正日漸成為駭客的攻擊目標,而針對 macOS的惡意軟體也呈指數級的在增長,資安專家指出,針對企業環境中的 Mac的高端持續威脅數量逐年攀升,不可小覷。
因此,讓 Mac用戶進一步關注安全問題,尋找滿足其安全需求而又不影響系統性能的解決方案,變成了一個重要的課題。2017年度 AV-TEST 評估【ESET企業端點網路安全】對 macOS的防護效果時,則很明顯看到它符合 Mac 用戶的需求及期望。
在所有針對企業用戶測試的解決方案中,【ESET企業端點網路安全】達到了完美檢測,識別並阻止所有共 514 個 macOS 威脅。此外,測試人員對【ESET企業端點網路安全】之低誤報率及其對「潛在不受歡迎軟體」(簡稱PUA)的檢測行為印象深刻。【ESET企業端點網路安全(for macOS)】在 98% 和 100% 之間篩選出近 700 個 PUA,AV-TEST 給予 【ESET企業端點網路安全(for macOS)】的評語是:提供的保護措施簡直就是無可挑剔。
Antivirus Solutions for MacOS Sierra 報告
全球資安大廠ESET一直致力開發主動偵測、多層級的安全技術,並結合自動化的機器學習和人類知識,基於30 年的研究經驗,為各種規模的企業和端點平台,提供主動和智慧的防護產品或解決方案。連年榮獲Virus Bulletin 100獎項肯定, 優異的成績持續保持業界領先地位。全球擁有超過1億的用戶,代理機構遍及全球超過180個國家,支援多種語系,並提供在地化的服務協助、是個人及企業值得信賴的防毒軟體品牌。
ESET亞太區總代理  台灣二版(Version 2)
關於台灣二版Version 2
Version 2 是亞洲其中一間最有活力的IT公司,公司發展及代理各種不同的互聯網、資訊科技、多媒體產品,當中包括通訊系統、資安、網路、多媒體及消費市場產品。透過公司龐大的銷售點、經銷商及合作伙伴,Version 2提供廣被市場讚賞的產品及服務。Version 2 的銷售網絡包括香港、中國、台灣、新加坡、澳門等地區,客戶來自各行各業,包括全球1000大跨國企業、上市公司、學術機構、政府部門、無數成功的中小企業及來自亞洲各城市的消費市場客戶。
國際資安大廠ESET成立於1992年, 總部設立在歐洲斯洛伐克, 為全球企業與個人用戶的電腦資訊安全軟體提供商, 其主力產品《ESET NOD32 Antivirus防毒軟體》與《ESET Internet Security網路安全套裝》, 能夠防禦各種已知或未知病毒、間諜軟體、Rootkits、網路釣魚及各種網際網路型威脅。ESET企業安全解決方案(ESET Business Security Solutions)是針對企業複雜網路環境提供最高等級的全面防護規劃,舉凡公司資訊流的傳遞、內外部檔案或郵件的監控,進而到使用者登入的合法性管理等功能;ESET皆能利用集中管理系統,讓資訊人員簡易快速的掌握最新的安全狀況,並秉持著ESET三十年來的專精技術,成功的為企業打造安全防護網,更同時讓企業兼顧管理成本與系統運作效能,成為業界深受信賴的專業資安守護神。
ESET全系列防毒產品占用系統資源最少、偵測速度最快、防禦能力最強, 可提供有效的保護, 並連年榮獲Virus Bulletin 100獎項肯定, 優異的成績持續保持業界領先地位。ESET連續五年被評為”德勤高科技快速成長500強”(Deloitte’s Technology Fast 500)公司, 擁有廣泛的合作夥伴, 包括佳能、戴爾、微軟等國際知名公司, 在布拉迪斯拉發(斯洛伐克) 、布里斯托爾(英國) 、布宜諾斯艾利斯(阿根廷) 、布拉格(捷克) 、聖地亞哥(美國)等地均設有辦事處, 全球擁有超過1億的用戶,代理機構遍及全球超過180個國家,支援多種語系,並提供在地化的服務協助、是個人及企業值得信賴的防毒軟體品牌。

【網路原住民】世代紮根 ESET防毒軟體贊助107年臺北市青年盃網球錦標賽

大家聽過【網路原住民】這個名詞嗎?!他們又是屬於什麼年代的呢?! 【網路原住民】泛指一出生就活在電腦、網際網路世界的一代(約30歲以下),這些住民在數位國度裡成長,對於數位科技不會讚嘆,從不猶疑如何使用,這一世代的人沒有一天不與電腦、網站、手機以及其他新奇的數位用品或玩具一起,密切地共生共存。隨著網路威脅的劇增及手法日新月異,ESET全球資安大廠紮根在這群屬於【網路原住民】世代,讓他們在學生時期就開始建立正確的資安概念及使用防毒軟體,進而在進入社會時,協助他們悠遊在網路世界發揮創意或研發創新技術,還能同時享有安全無虞的網路環境。

ESET台灣獨家總代理-台灣二版贊助「臺北市青年盃網球錦標賽 多年,今年於3月3日至3月4日舉辦的賽事亦沒有缺席,本屆提供了ESET主力防毒產品:ESET網路安全套裝、ESET NOD32防毒軟體及ESET行動安全套裝做為比賽奬項,具體支持網路運動發展外,也為啟蒙資安的種子注入更多的力量;此外ESET防毒軟體亦得到所有參賽者的熱情支持,並為活動畫上一個圓滿成功的句點。

全球資安大廠ESET一直致力開發主動偵測、多層級的安全技術,並結合自動化的機器學習和人類知識,基於30 年的研究經驗,為各種規模的企業和端點平台,提供主動和智慧的防護產品或解決方案。連年榮獲Virus Bulletin 100獎項肯定, 優異的成績持續保持業界領先地位。全球擁有超過1億的用戶,代理機構遍及全球超過180個國家,支援多種語系,並提供在地化的服務協助、是個人及企業值得信賴的防毒軟體品牌。


ESET亞太區總代理  台灣二版(Version 2)

關於台灣二版Version 2
Version 2 是亞洲其中一間最有活力的IT公司,公司發展及代理各種不同的互聯網、資訊科技、多媒體產品,當中包括通訊系統、資安、網路、多媒體及消費市場產品。透過公司龐大的銷售點、經銷商及合作伙伴,Version 2提供廣被市場讚賞的產品及服務。Version 2 的銷售網絡包括香港、中國、台灣、新加坡、澳門等地區,客戶來自各行各業,包括全球1000大跨國企業、上市公司、學術機構、政府部門、無數成功的中小企業及來自亞洲各城市的消費市場客戶。

國際資安大廠ESET成立於1992年, 總部設立在歐洲斯洛伐克, 為全球企業與個人用戶的電腦資訊安全軟體提供商, 其主力產品《ESET NOD32 Antivirus防毒軟體》與《ESET Internet Security網路安全套裝》, 能夠防禦各種已知或未知病毒、間諜軟體、Rootkits、網路釣魚及各種網際網路型威脅。ESET企業安全解決方案(ESET Business Security Solutions)是針對企業複雜網路環境提供最高等級的全面防護規劃,舉凡公司資訊流的傳遞、內外部檔案或郵件的監控,進而到使用者登入的合法性管理等功能;ESET皆能利用集中管理系統,讓資訊人員簡易快速的掌握最新的安全狀況,並秉持著ESET三十年來的專精技術,成功的為企業打造安全防護網,更同時讓企業兼顧管理成本與系統運作效能,成為業界深受信賴的專業資安守護神。 ESET全系列防毒產品占用系統資源最少、偵測速度最快、防禦能力最強, 可提供有效的保護, 並連年榮獲Virus Bulletin 100獎項肯定, 優異的成績持續保持業界領先地位。ESET連續五年被評為”德勤高科技快速成長500強”(Deloitte’s Technology Fast 500)公司, 擁有廣泛的合作夥伴, 包括佳能、戴爾、微軟等國際知名公司, 在布拉迪斯拉發(斯洛伐克) 、布里斯托爾(英國) 、布宜諾斯艾利斯(阿根廷) 、布拉格(捷克) 、聖地亞哥(美國)等地均設有辦事處, 全球擁有超過1億的用戶,代理機構遍及全球超過180個國家,支援多種語系,並提供在地化的服務協助、是個人及企業值得信賴的防毒軟體品牌。

ESET 獲獨立測試機構金獎肯定 全年唯一未有出現誤測的防毒軟件品牌


ESET Internet Security 在 AV-Comparatives 獎項中名列前茅

每年 AV-Comparatives 都會按照五個主要測試項目,評估 I.T. 安全產品並頒發金、銀、銅獎項。測試人員對 ESET 的表現充分肯定,獲得了「性能表現」和「誤報率測試」的金獎。

在 AV 測試方面,測量其「可靠性」與「檢測力」同樣重要。只要一個誤報,可能需要工程和支援團隊的大量資源來解決問題。更重要的是,它甚至會導致重要的數據丟失或系統無法使用。所以要做到每一次都準確無誤,是至關重要的,而 ESET 毫無疑問成功了。在全年進行大量的誤報率測試後,AV-Comparatives 確認 ESET 在2017 年的所有測試中都沒有誤報。這是其他安全產品方案無法做到的,因此 ESET 獲得了金獎。

ESET Internet Security 在全年進行了兩項測試後也得到了認可,因為它在執行任務時對系統性能的影響很小,故再獲得另一個金獎。 AV-Comparatives 表示,他們發現軟件「非常易於使用,這要感謝卓越的用戶界面和自配置的防火牆」。

閱讀 AV Comparatives 2017 報告

ESET Endpoint Security for macOS – 無可挑剔的保護

雖然很多人可能不願相信,但 Mac 用戶正日漸成為黑客的主要目標。即使在 macOS 上,惡意軟件也在呈指數級的增長,而在商業領域,行業專家認為,針對企業環境中的 Mac 的高端持續威脅數量也正在上升。

因此,讓 Mac 用戶進一步關注安全問題,尋找滿足其安全需求而又不影響系統性能的解決方案,變成了一個重要的課題。當 AV-TEST 評估針對 macOS 的 ESET Endpoint Security 時,很明顯看到它達到了 Mac 用戶的預期。

在針對企業用戶測試的解決方案中,ESET 實現了完美檢測,識別並阻止所有 514 個 macOS 威脅。此外,測試人員對 ESET 低誤報率及其對「潛在不受歡迎的軟件」(PUA)的行為印象深刻。實際上,ESET 在 98% 和 100% 之間篩選出近 700 個 PUA。總體而言,AV-TEST 給予 ESET 的評語是:提供的保護措施簡直就是無可挑剔。

閱讀 Put to the Test: Antivirus Solutions for MacOS Sierra 報告

關於Version 2 Limited
Version 2 Limited是亞洲最有活力的IT公司之一,公司發展及代理各種不同的互聯網、資訊科技、多媒體產品,其中包括通訊系統、安全、網絡、多媒體及消費市場產品。透過公司龐大的網絡、銷售點、分銷商及合作夥伴,Version 2 Limited 提供廣被市場讚賞的產品及服務。Version 2 Limited 的銷售網絡包括中國大陸、香港、澳門、台灣、新加坡等地區,客戶來自各行各業,包括全球1000大跨國企業、上市公司、公用機構、政府部門、無數成功的中小企及來自亞洲各城市的消費市場客戶。

ESET成立於1992年,是一家面向企業與個人用戶的全球性的電腦安全軟件提供商,其獲獎產品 — NOD32防病毒軟件系統,能夠針對各種已知或未知病毒、間諜軟件 (spyware)、rootkits和其他惡意軟件為電腦系統提供實時保護。ESET NOD32佔用 系統資源最少,偵測速度最快,可以提供最有效的保護,並且比其他任何防病毒產品獲得了更多的Virus Bulletin 100獎項。ESET連續五年被評為“德勤高科技快速成長500 強”(Deloitte’s Technology Fast 500)公司,擁有廣泛的合作夥伴網絡,包括佳能、戴爾、微軟等國際知名公司,在布拉迪斯拉發(斯洛伐克)、布里斯托爾(英國 )、布宜諾斯艾利斯(阿根廷)、布拉格(捷克)、聖地亞哥(美國)等地均設有辦事處,代理機構覆蓋全球超過100個國家。 

什麼是【UEFI 掃描器功能】對我來說又有什麼風險?

對於標題中的問題,簡短回答就是,UEFI 掃描器功能能夠幫助用戶保護電腦,使攻擊者難以通過攻擊 UEFI,掌握電腦的控制權。攻擊者在成功攻擊 UEFI 之後,便可獲取系統的完整控制權,在未經許可的情況下,直接讀寫或存取電腦資料,即使重新開機或格式化硬碟也起不了作用。

這類病毒並非善類,會大大延長用戶感染惡意代碼後的痛苦和不便。如果您的防毒軟件只掃描硬碟和記憶體,而不掃描 UEFI 的話,則您的電腦就有感染這類的病毒的風險,而您自己卻全然不知。正因如此,我們推薦您使用具有 UEFI 病毒掃描功能的防毒軟件,例如 ESET 的全系列防毒產品。

為何我的設備內有 UEFI? 

電腦設備是借助代碼執行來運行的:人們把此類指令稱為軟件,軟件能夠幫助手提電腦和智能手機等硬件設備發揮功效。向設備輸入代碼,可借助多種方式,例如,可以從硬碟上所存儲的文件或 USB 記憶體中讀取,或通過網絡磁碟連接傳遞,但當用戶打開電腦的電源後,設備首先必須啓動(bootstrap),最先執行的這部分代碼通常存儲在設備內部的一塊晶片之中,習慣上稱為firmware,其中可包括「開機自我檢測」程式,以便確保設備元件運行正常,之後再向記憶體中加載基本輸入輸出處理指令。如您較為熟悉電腦的話,您可能已經知道,該晶片中所存儲的代碼被稱為「BIOS」,即基本輸入輸出系統。

事實上,BIOS技術起源於二十世紀七十年代,因此不難理解,現如今該技術已難以滿足新一代電腦需求。從技術角度而言,UEFI是一種規格,由 uefi.org 負責維護。該論壇稱,此規格重新定義個人電腦作業系統和主機版韌體之間的聯繫,建立了新的規範,並「由含有主機板韌體資訊的數據表組成,配合開機執行服務指令,供作業系統及其引導程式加載。」簡單來說,UEFI為引導程式添加了大量的新增功能,包括一切重要安全措施在內。


現階段尚未獲悉,利用 UEFI 之安全漏洞,針對電腦系統所發起的大規模攻擊活動或事件,但仍強烈建議您選用具備 UEFI 掃毒功能的防毒軟件。換句話說,我們只是不知道濫用 UEFI 攻擊的惡意程式何時會發生,但可以確認的是,定期進行 UEFI 掃描的人員將會比沒有進行 UEFI 掃描的人,更能夠提前做好準備保護他們的系統免受未來新式或未知惡意軟件的攻擊。 ESET 旗下全系列防毒產品的 2018 最新版本,已在業界率先提供 UEFI 掃描器功能且為目前唯一品牌。 

ESET 一直致力開發主動偵測、多層級的安全技術,並結合自動化的機器學習和人類知識,基於30 年的研究經驗,為各種規模的企業和端點平台,提供主動和智慧的防護產品或解決方案。連年榮獲 Virus Bulletin 100 獎項肯定,優異的成績持續保持業界領先地位。全球擁有超過 1 億的用戶,代理機構遍及全球超過 180 個國家,支援多種語系,並提供在地化的服務協助、是個人及企業值得信賴的防毒軟件品牌。

關於Version 2 Limited
Version 2 Limited是亞洲最有活力的IT公司之一,公司發展及代理各種不同的互聯網、資訊科技、多媒體產品,其中包括通訊系統、安全、網絡、多媒體及消費市場產品。透過公司龐大的網絡、銷售點、分銷商及合作夥伴,Version 2 Limited 提供廣被市場讚賞的產品及服務。Version 2 Limited 的銷售網絡包括中國大陸、香港、澳門、台灣、新加坡等地區,客戶來自各行各業,包括全球1000大跨國企業、上市公司、公用機構、政府部門、無數成功的中小企及來自亞洲各城市的消費市場客戶。

ESET成立於1992年,是一家面向企業與個人用戶的全球性的電腦安全軟件提供商,其獲獎產品 — NOD32防病毒軟件系統,能夠針對各種已知或未知病毒、間諜軟件 (spyware)、rootkits和其他惡意軟件為電腦系統提供實時保護。ESET NOD32佔用 系統資源最少,偵測速度最快,可以提供最有效的保護,並且比其他任何防病毒產品獲得了更多的Virus Bulletin 100獎項。ESET連續五年被評為“德勤高科技快速成長500 強”(Deloitte’s Technology Fast 500)公司,擁有廣泛的合作夥伴網絡,包括佳能、戴爾、微軟等國際知名公司,在布拉迪斯拉發(斯洛伐克)、布里斯托爾(英國 )、布宜諾斯艾利斯(阿根廷)、布拉格(捷克)、聖地亞哥(美國)等地均設有辦事處,代理機構覆蓋全球超過100個國家。 

【107年第一次電腦軟體共同供應契約採購(1070201)】 招標公告

ESET 防毒報備授權事宜權益說明如下:
一、 報備資格:ESET 台灣地區之銷售經銷商,且需由台灣二版審核通過並公告於官網之認可經銷商始可跟進,已終止交易之經銷商不適用。
二、 經台灣二版授權核可之廠商規定與權益: 
1. 採購案件必須於開標前先行向台灣二版報備,經核准後方能提供專案價(二版將依廠商報備優先順序安排採購及出貨權);且授權經銷商需直接下單予二版。
2. 針對個別採購案件享有台灣二版技術支援與售前/後協助。
3. 未來得標廠商將於ESET官網《銷售通路-政府標案》中公告,請經銷商密切注意台灣二版官網。
4. 未依台灣二版所提供之公告價與上述規定投標之經銷商,二版有權移除授權資格,且不予出貨。
*政府標案合作廠商: https://www.eset.tw/purchase/gov/

New traces of Hacking Team in the wild

Previously unreported samples of Hacking Team’s infamous surveillance tool – the Remote Control System (RCS) – are in the wild, and have been detected by ESET systems in fourteen countries.

Our analysis of the samples reveals evidence suggesting that Hacking Team’s developers themselves are actively continuing the development of this spyware.

From Hacking Team to Hacked Team to…?

Since being founded in 2003, the Italian spyware vendor Hacking Team gained notoriety for selling surveillance tools to governments and their agencies across the world.

The capabilities of its flagship product, the Remote Control System (RCS), include extracting files from a targeted device, intercepting emails and instant messaging, as well as remotely activating a device’s webcam and microphone. The company has been criticized for selling these capabilities to authoritarian governments – an allegation it has consistently denied.

When the tables turned in July 2015, with Hacking Team itself suffering a damaging hack, the reported use of RCS by oppressive regimes was confirmed. With 400GB of internal data – including the once-secret list of customers, internal communications, and spyware source code – leaked online, Hacking Team was forced to request its customers to suspend all use of RCS, and was left facing an uncertain future.

Following the hack, the security community has been keeping a close eye on the company’s efforts to get back on its feet. The first reports suggesting Hacking Team’s resumed operations came six months later – a new sample of Hacking Team’s Mac spyware was apparently in the wild. A year after the breach, an investment by a company named Tablem Limited brought changes to Hacking Team’s shareholder structure, with Tablem Limited taking 20% of Hacking Team’s shareholding. Tablem Limited is officially based in Cyprus; however, recent news suggests it has ties to Saudi Arabia.

Having just concluded our research into another commercial spyware product, FinFisher, two interesting events involving Hacking Team occurred in close succession – the report about Hacking Team’s apparent financial recovery and our discovery of a new RCS variant in the wild with a valid digital certificate.

The spyware lives on

In the early stages of this investigation, our friends from the Citizen Lab – who have a long record of keeping track of Hacking Team – provided us with valuable input that led to the discovery of a version of the spyware currently being used in the wild and signed with a previously unseen valid digital certificate.

Our further research uncovered several more samples of Hacking Team’s spyware created after the 2015 hack, all being slightly modified compared to variants released before the source code leak.

The samples were compiled between September 2015 and October 2017. We have deemed these compilation dates to be authentic, based on ESET telemetry data indicating the appearance of the samples in the wild within a few days of those dates.

Further analysis led us to conclude that all the samples can be traced back to a single group, rather than being isolated instances of diverse actors building their own versions from the leaked Hacking Team source code.

One indicator supporting this is the sequence of digital certificates used to sign the samples – we found six different certificates issued in succession. Four of the certificates were issued by Thawte to four different companies, and two are personal certificates issued to Valeriano Bedeschi (Hacking Team co-founder) and someone named Raffaele Carnacina, as shown in the following table:

Certificate issued to Validity period
Valeriano Bedeschi 8/13/2015 – 8/16/2016
Raffaele Carnacina 9/11/2015 – 9/15/2016
Megabit, OOO 6/8/2016 – 6/9/2017
ADD Audit 6/20/2016 – 6/21/2017
Media Lid 8/29/2016 – 8/30/2017
Ziber Ltd 7/9/2017 – 7/10/2018

The samples also have forged Manifest metadata – used to masquerade as a legitimate application – in common, appearing as “Advanced SystemCare 9 (”, “Toolwiz Care” and “SlimDrivers (”.

Our analysis further shows that the author(s) of the samples have been using VMProtect, apparently in an effort to make their samples less prone to detection. This was also common among pre-leak Hacking Team spyware.

The connections among these samples alone could have originated with virtually any group re-purposing the leaked Hacking Team source code or installer – as was the case with Callisto Group in early 2016. We have, however, collected further evidence that ties these post-leak samples to Hacking Team’s developers themselves.

The versioning (which we accessed after overcoming VMProtect protection) observed in the analyzed samples continues where Hacking Team left off before the breach, and follows the same patterns. Hacking Team’s habit of compiling their payloads – named Scout and Soldier – consecutively, and often on the same day, can also be seen across the newer samples.

The following table shows the compilation dates, versioning and certificate authorities of Hacking Team Windows spyware samples seen between 2014 and 2017. Reuse of leaked source code by Callisto Group is marked in red.

Furthermore, our research has confirmed that the changes introduced in the post-leak updates were made in line with Hacking Team’s own coding style and are often found in places indicating a deep familiarity with the code. It is highly improbable that some other actor – that is, other than the original Hacking Team developer(s) – would make changes in exactly these places when creating new versions from the leaked Hacking Team source code.

One of the subtle differences we spotted between the pre-leak and the post-leak samples is the difference in Startup file size. Before the leak, the size of the copied file is padded to occupy was 4MB. In the post-leak samples, this file copy operation is padded to 6MB – most likely as a primitive detection evasion technique.

Figure 1 – Startup file size copy changed from 4 MB pre-leak to 6MB post-leak

We found further differences that fully convinced us of Hacking Team’s involvement. However, the disclosure of these details could interfere with the future tracking of the group, which is why we choose not to publish them. We are, however, open to share these details with fellow researchers (for any inquiries contact us at threatintel@eset.com).

The functionality of the spyware largely overlaps with that in the leaked source code. Our analysis so far has not confirmed the release of any significant update, as promised by Hacking Team following the hack.

As for the distribution vector of the post-leak samples we analyzed, at least in two cases, we detected the spyware in an executable file disguised as a PDF document (using multiple file extensions) attached to a spearphishing email. The names of the attached files contain strings likely aimed to reduce suspicion when received by diplomats.

Figure 2 – Investigation timeline


Our research lets us claim with high confidence that, with one obvious exception, the post-leak samples we’ve analyzed are indeed the work of Hacking Team developers, and not the result of source code reuse by unrelated actors, such as in the case of Callisto Group in 2016.

As of this writing, our systems have detected these new Hacking Team spyware samples in fourteen countries. We choose not to name the countries to prevent potentially incorrect attributions based on these detections, since the geo-location of the detections doesn’t necessarily reveal anything about the origin of the attack.


ESET detection names
Samples signed by Ziber Ltd
Thumbprint: 14 56 d8 a0 0d 8b e9 63 e2 22 4d 84 5b 12 e5 08 4e a0 b7 07
Serial Number: 5e 15 20 5f 18 04 42 cc 6c 3c 0f 03 e1 a3 3d 9f
SHA-1 samples
Samples signed by ADD Audit
Thumbprint: 3e 19 ad 16 4d c1 03 37 53 26 36 c3 7c a4 c5 97 64 6f bc c8
Serial Number: 4c 8e 3b 16 13 f7 35 42 f7 10 6f 27 20 94 eb 23
SHA-1 samples
Samples signed by Media Lid
Thumbprint: 17 f3 b5 e1 aa 0b 95 21 a8 94 9b 1c 69 a2 25 32 f2 b2 e1 f5
Serial Number: 2c e2 bd 0a d3 cf de 9e a7 3e ec 7c a3 04 00 da
SHA-1 samples
SHA-1 samples
Samples signed by Megabit, OOO
Thumbprint: 6d e3 a1 9d 00 1f 02 24 c1 c3 8b de fa 74 6f f2 3a aa 43 75
Serial Number: 0f bc 30 db 12 7a 53 6c 34 d7 a0 fa 81 b4 81 93
SHA-1 samples
Samples signed by Raffaele Carnacina
Thumbprint: 8a 85 4f 99 2a 5f 20 53 07 f8 2d 45 93 89 af da 86 de 6c 41
Serial Number: 08 44 8b d6 ee 91 05 ae 31 22 8e a5 fe 49 6f 63
SHA-1 samples
Samples signed by Valeriano Bedeschi
Thumbprint: 44 a0 f7 f5 39 fc 0c 8b f6 7b cd b7 db 44 e4 f1 4c 68 80 d0
Serial Number: 02 f1 75 66 ef 56 8d c0 6c 9a 37 9e a2 f4 fa ea
SHA-1 samples

About Version 2 Limited
Version 2 Limited is one of the most dynamic IT companies in Asia. The company develops and distributes IT products for Internet and IP-based networks, including communication systems, Internet software, security, network, and media products. Through an extensive network of channels, point of sales, resellers, and partnership companies, Version 2 Limited offers quality products and services which are highly acclaimed in the market. Its customers cover a wide spectrum which include Global 1000 enterprises, regional listed companies, public utilities, Government, a vast number of successful SMEs, and consumers in various Asian cities.

About ESET
For 30 years, ESET® has been developing industry-leading IT security software and services for businesses and consumers worldwide. With solutions ranging from endpoint security to encryption and two-factor authentication, ESET’s high-performing, easy-to-use products give individuals and businesses the peace of mind to enjoy the full potential of their technology. ESET unobtrusively protects and monitors 24/7, updating defenses in real time to keep users safe and businesses running without interruption. Evolving threats require an evolving IT security company. Backed by R&D facilities worldwide, ESET became the first IT security company to earn 100 Virus Bulletin VB100 awards, identifying every single “in-the-wild” malware without interruption since 2003.

【網路原住民】世代紮根 ESET防毒軟日女體贊助107年臺北市青年盃網球錦標賽

現階段尚未獲悉,利用UEFI之安全漏洞,針對電腦系統所發起的大規模攻擊活動或事件,但仍強烈建議您選用具備UEFI掃毒功能的防毒軟體。換句話說,我們只是不知道濫用UEFI攻擊的惡意程式何時會發生,但可以確認的是,定期進行UEFI掃描的人員將會比沒有進行UEFI掃描的人,更能夠提前做好準備保護他們的系統免受未來新式或未知惡意軟體的攻擊。 ESET旗下全系列防毒產品的2018最新版本,已在業界率先提供UEFI掃描器功能且為目前唯一之資安品牌。
全球資安大廠ESET一直致力開發主動偵測、多層級的安全技術,並結合自動化的機器學習和人類知識,基於30 年的研究經驗,為各種規模的企業和端點平台,提供主動和智慧的防護產品或解決方案。連年榮獲Virus Bulletin 100獎項肯定, 優異的成績持續保持業界領先地位。全球擁有超過1億的用戶,代理機構遍及全球超過180個國家,支援多種語系,並提供在地化的服務協助、是個人及企業值得信賴的防毒軟體品牌。

Over 40% of online login attempts are attackers trying to invade accounts

As many as 43% of online login attempts globally are made by bots that are used for evil ends, as attackers are increasingly leveraging the automated tools for credential abuse, a report by Akamai has revealed.

Focusing on data for November, 2017, the content delivery network provider found that 3.6 billion out of 8.3 billion login requests during that month were malicious, specifically “attempts to log in to an account using password guessing or account details gathered from elsewhere on the Internet”.

A breakdown of the figures shows that the websites of retailers handled the highest number of login requests in November – 2.8 billion. “Only” 36% of them were intended to break into the accounts, according to Akamai’s Fourth Quarter 2017 State of the Internet / Security Report.

Meanwhile, the hospitality industry had to contend with the highest concentration of bad bots. A staggering 82% of nearly 1 billion login attempts on the websites of airlines, hotels and online travel agencies were found to be malicious.

Swarms of villain bots also swooped on the sites of high-tech businesses, with 57% out of 1.4 billion login attempts deemed malevolent.

The data was obtained by Akamai’s identifying “IP addresses that make multiple attempts to log into accounts using leaked credentials with no other activity to the target site”.

The data set covers mainly websites that use email addresses as login names. As a result, Akamai cautioned that the figures may understate the extent of the problem in industries in which email addresses are not used as user IDs, notably the financial industry.

Credential abuse attempts according to selected industries (Source: Akamai, Fourth Quarter 2017 State of the Internet / Security Report)

Bots that traverse the internet on behalf of their human operators can fulfill both legitimate and malicious automated tasks. Statistics indicate that bot-driven internet traffic, by helper and harmful bots combined, surpasses human traffic.

“Increased automation and data mining have caused a massive flood of bot traffic to impact websites and Internet services. Although most of that traffic is useful for Internet businesses, cybercriminals are looking to manipulate the powerful volume of bots for nefarious gains,” Akamai’s senior security advocate Martin McKeay is quoted as saying.

“Enterprises need to watch who is accessing their sites to differentiate actual humans from both legitimate and malicious bots. Not all web traffic and not all bots are created equal,” he added.

In an automated technique known as ‘credential stuffing’, criminals leverage stolen or leaked access credentials that belong to one account in order to break into other – often higher-value – accounts. This tactic has been found to pay dividends in anywhere between 0.1% and 2% of attempts, owing its success primarily to the fact that many netizens recycle their credentials across multiple accounts. Databases with reams of stolen username and password pairs can be easily bought online.

DDoS traffic

After several quarters of increases, the number of distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks dropped by less than 1% in the fourth quarter of 2017 compared to the third quarter. On an annual basis, however, the attacks were up 14%, according to Akamai’s stats.

The gaming industry bore the brunt of the onslaughts, suffering 79% of all DDoS traffic. Germany and China between themselves accounted for the majority of source IP addresses involved in the attacks.

To say that DDoS attacks aren’t going anywhere would be an understatement, nor have we seen the last of Mirai. The notorious botnet, which took the internet by storm in the fall of 2016, remains alive and kicking. This is not least because of the proliferation of hackable Internet-enabled things, coupled with attackers continuing to adapt Mirai’s source code to befit their evil intentions.

Web app attacks

The number of web application attacks decreased by 9% following a quarter-over-quarter jump of 30% in the third quarter. They still rose by one-tenth compared to the last three months of 2016, however.

This type of threat most commonly involves scans to identify vulnerable sites with the ultimate aim of data thefts or other compromises. SQL injections, which Akamai highlighted as “easily automated and scalable”, accounted for one-half of web app attacks. On 36%, local file inclusion was the second-most-frequent attack vector.

The United States is by far both the top source and top target of web app attacks. The incursions that originate in the US soared by 31% compared to the last quarter of 2016.

About Version 2 Limited
Version 2 Limited is one of the most dynamic IT companies in Asia. The company develops and distributes IT products for Internet and IP-based networks, including communication systems, Internet software, security, network, and media products. Through an extensive network of channels, point of sales, resellers, and partnership companies, Version 2 Limited offers quality products and services which are highly acclaimed in the market. Its customers cover a wide spectrum which include Global 1000 enterprises, regional listed companies, public utilities, Government, a vast number of successful SMEs, and consumers in various Asian cities.

About ESET
For 30 years, ESET® has been developing industry-leading IT security software and services for businesses and consumers worldwide. With solutions ranging from endpoint security to encryption and two-factor authentication, ESET’s high-performing, easy-to-use products give individuals and businesses the peace of mind to enjoy the full potential of their technology. ESET unobtrusively protects and monitors 24/7, updating defenses in real time to keep users safe and businesses running without interruption. Evolving threats require an evolving IT security company. Backed by R&D facilities worldwide, ESET became the first IT security company to earn 100 Virus Bulletin VB100 awards, identifying every single “in-the-wild” malware without interruption since 2003.